Joyful Daybook Entry

FOR TODAY... from Cay's Daybook

Outside my window... more like April showers than December frosties.

I am hearing...Watching and listening to Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel. He's in Alaska eating lots of raw fish dishes. I suspect some of these dishes, which seem so strange to me here in Louisiana, would look the same to an Alaskan looking upon our boiled crawfish, boudin, alligators, and frog legs dishes.

 I am thinking...Of kind, thoughtful words given to me by friends this week regarding my children.

I am thankful for...God's mercy

I am wearing...Green knit, three-quarter length sleeved top with black slacks, silver-bell necklace.

I am it felt to be in my 20's with dreams, hopes, and humble beginnings.

This is my note to myself...Actually I'm making notes to myself on my sidebar for my plans don't get lost under the tinsel and fake snow.

I am reading... this beautiful message from Pope Benedict XVI today on the feast of the Immaculate Conception: Mary Talks to People of Our Time

I am creating...Advent/Christmas memories!

I am hoping...for peace on earth, goodwill towards men.

On my incredible it is that 2010 is already being written for me before I even open my 2010 planner!

From the learning rooms...We have not breaked yet. We're still dutifully doing schoolwork (ie: laborsome, sometimes boring, but consistent *school work*). It seems to have worked well with my older three (work ethic, diligence, and accountability) so we continue. It only takes about 3 hours (sometimes 2/sometimes 4) a day. The rest of the day is unschooling and everything inbetween. It has worked all these years and continues to work well today.

From the Advent/Christmas calendar...It's Peppermint Week! More on this later.

We are doing well with our Advent calendar, Advent tree, and Advent readings. The girls share even and odd days. We will begin our Nativity set-up and reflection next week. I'm keeping my own Advent study with Christmas Comfort books. It's my own quiet, reflective time in Adoration and I'm enjoying it.

Still planning a little bit of: Poetry, Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus improvising this free unit study: Names of Jesus, Free Symbols of Christmas Study, and our paper-bound Jesse Tree

Our Elf-on-the-Shelf is back!

This morning we found him in the girls' bedroom atop their dollhouse. I believe he was making sure they made their beds this morning.

My list this week... is on my sidebar:
  • Finish Christmas shopping
  • Wrap gifts
  • Mail Christmas cards
  • It's Peppermint Week here...more on this later
  • Order Christmas cards
  • Help write and mail Santa letter
  • Help girls with Christmas shopping lists
  • Pull Secret Santa Names
  • Shop for baby shower gift
  • Clean out girls' room
  • Plan Christmas Menu
  • Order chocolate-covered strawberry boxes for teachers/friends
  • Get ready for Annie's birthday party this Sunday
Pondering these words..."Each one of us contributes with our lives to its moral climate for better or worse. The border between good and evil runs across everyone’s heart and none of us should feel entitled to judge others. Instead, each one of us must feel duty-bound to improve ourselves." ~ Pope Benedict XVI

From the kitchen...
Lots of deer, chicken, and pork sausage made this past weekend. We froze over 80+ pounds. Here are some pictures that I think everyone should be able to view: Making Deer Sausage

Around the house...I'm home alone tonight. It's pretty weird. Basically I'm sitting here dreaming of all the stuff to be done.

One of my favorite things...Listening to Annie recite her state capitals. Cool!

I am praying...For this dear family and their little daughter.

From my picture journal...
