A Faith Challenge From Our Homes

I'm rereading this book by author Rod Dreher , only inserting #coronavirus in place of #pseudochristianity . And it fits. Like a glove. And a saint from the sixth century can guide us.

It's weird that when this book debuted in 2017, we thought we knew what powers we were up-against. In 2020, the power is something else entirely. Something we never imagined.

This book shows us "tried and true Christian traditions and practices to strengthen (our) families and communities, revitalize local churches, create new schools, build support networks, and cultivate hospitality ." If we have faith, it's been with us all along. So what if it doesn't "look" the way we thought it would look...or the way we wanted it to look. We have it.

Faith...we've always had it and for years we shared it and it looked pretty nice and peachy keen here in America. Then we lost our grip and let it slip down that sloop of relativism and materialism.  How we share it now, in a new day and age, in a new world, is left up to us and is what will define our belief in that faith.

Faith...not the 21st picture-perfect, magazine enticing, put it neatly in your pocket faith but...rather...a rough, messy, nails on a chalkboard kind of faith.

This is 2020.

Times such as these happen for a reason...to rebuild and renew the Kingdom of God. There is no other reason...and that thought just about drives us nuts because we...here in America...have been sold that we are all, we are everything and everything exists for us. And while that is partly true (read Genesis), it isn't true (read Exodus). Nothing is of lasting value except your immortality soul. Nothing else lasts. At all. Except our souls and a home far far away.

 Maybe I'm too optimistic here but the possibilities excite me. These can be the times that strengthen us and renew the faith....if we allow it. The faith of tomorrow. The faith for tomorrow. We, dear Christians , will lead the faith into a new day. What will that day look like? Only time will tell but we are the instruments God will use. Are you sharpened? Are you on fire? Are you up for the challenge?

Stay tuned. I have some other offerings to share.

#thebenedictoption coreadingvirus #covid_19 #strategy #faithlife #faithchallenge #home
