Make Your Life Count

This isn't a typical planner. But surely no one starts out creating just another planner.

I really don't want The Seasonal Beehive to replace anyone's favorite planner. I have various planners I use and I find myself constantly looking for one that has everything I desire and is simple enough and serves me and my family with purpose at the same time.

Though a paper planner might not spark everyone with purpose and excitement and intent the way those snazzy apps on our smart phones do---for me---the paper stills and settles me into a more intentional frame of mind. I keep returning to a paper planner because it is something that steadies me with the assurance that Someone took the time and cared enough about me to make this so that this area of my life would have meaning no matter what else is happening in my life.

{My oldest daughter at her bridal shower looking through a homemade cookbook her Oma created for her; full
of recipes passed down from a generations before her.}
I want this seasonal product to compliment your favorite planner, not make it more burdensome or awkward. I want it to be more of a keepsake, something for you to look back on years from now and see those monthly praise reports and those intentional prayer requests and remember those moments
you found yourself in nature and know how many times you turned to God and what you challenged yourself to do each season and what creative outlets you were intentional with, and what books and plans you spotlighted that season.

Even if it only happened once that season.

Life can be a blur and, if it is not intentionally observed and jotted down, we tend to stop years later and think those years were a waste. Even when they weren't.

I want you to stop and see your intent in the intervals and the pauses in those present moments. I want you to see the sanctity of each season.  I want you to know your life wasn't a waste!

Someone recently asked if this was like a working journal. That's a very good description for it is through work that we find our purpose and it is through working within a schedule that we find our focus.

I call it a planner for lack of a better term but its primary goal is to make you focus on the things that deserve your mindfulness as you pass through each of life's season.

I hesitate to use the words "intentional" and "mindful". So often they are overused. The same thing with simplicity. But that's exactly what this little working journal is grounded, steeped, and brewed in. Intentional mindfulness and simplicity.

Be intentional. Be mindful. Be observant. Live gratefully. Live simply.

Make Your Life Count!

The Winter Issue of The Seasonal Beehive is almost finished. Artwork by Anna Cantrell, a fellow Louisiana gal.

I have tweaked a few more things, added a few more pages, considered a few more suggestions.
After the rough copy arrives next week I will send off for a final copy to the printer in hopes that it will pass an objective eye in order to be made available this October. And even in the mist of this investiture, new additions are happening in the Spring Issue which is in the works.

There will be 4 options:

Size 6 x 9" Saddle-Stitch (Black on Cream)
Size 6 x 9" Saddle-Stitch (Full Color)
Size 6 x 9" Coil Bound (Black on Cream)
8 1/2 x 11" Coil Bound (Full Color)

(The planner's pages are for the Winter Months: December, January, February)

Here is a sneak preview of what is inside each planner, specifically this planner.
Certain pages stay the same. Other pages, such as the theme and fun focus and essays, will change each season.

Each Month Offers:
  • Calendar at a Glance
  • Monthly Intentional Points
  • Monthly Bullet Points to Remember
  • Monthly Daybook
  • Monthly Nature Walk w/ sketch page
  • Monthly Sheet for Prayerful Creative Doodling
  • Monthly Gratitude Praise Reports
  • Monthly Prayer Intention Sheet
Each Season Offers:
  • Themed Essay (Winter's is on Gratitude)
  • Fun Focus (Winter's is on Snow)
  • Recipe, Craft and Booklist for Kids (Winter's is Snow-themed)
  • Meal Planning Chart for Christmas
  • Intentional Essays
  • 10- Day Challenge Chart
  • A holiday or seasonal poem
  • Holiday Spotlight Planning Pages
  • Your own Book Pause for reflective journaling
  • Journaling-Organizing-Planning Worksheets
  • Home Cabinet Caring-for-your-Family Page
  • The 15-Minute Class Room Break
  • Scripture Count (A page to help you read your Bible)
  • A Devotional each Season
Here are a few sample pages: Seasonal Planner

Be intentional and share this with a friend.
Let them know that they count in your life.
Tell you what...share and tag five friends with the hashtag #seasonalbeehive and make sure you let me know and your name will be put in a drawing for a FREE Spring Issue!
Email me @:
cajuncottagepress at yahoo dot com
