More About the Upcoming Seasonal Planner

What if...? 

Life is full of relevant What If... questions, isn't it?

What if you could start with a fresh planner every season? What if you could combine your planner and bullet journal into one, complete with prompts for both? What if it wasn't on your phone but small enough to slip inside your purse? What if every season promised a fresh start? 

Would you be interested?

Why the Name?
Every year I escape to a retreat house that is situated under old Acadian oak trees and nestled on a long sloping ridge in the heart of Louisiana’s heritage and culture and life of faith. The bishop in that area at the time of dedication said it was his desire that, “the laity will make the retreat house a beehive of spiritual activity.”

And isn’t that what our life should be, especially when it is one we walk in faith? It should not be this crazy, senseless, mindless loss of time but, rather, a creative, intentional splurge of nectar and splash of honey on everything we do with our lives.

If our lives are a “beehive of spiritual activity" we are doing good works indeed, and our lives will be blessed.


Why a Seasonal Beehive Planner?
I’m not a structured planner. Boxes cripple me. I never imagined I had a perfectionist bee in my bonnet but, perhaps, I have one...or two. :-)   Honeycombs, however, are hexagon in shape and the creature is allowed to fly away and search for new fields and greener pastures and sweeter nectar.

The seasonal aspect frames life well, I think, and it is my hope that it will frame your life simply and with purpose. Here in the beehive we focus more on the purpose, process, and produce than on the mindless work ahead of us.

What are we doing? Why are we doing it? What have we accomplished? What has blessed us? What has inspired us? Where is the richest nectar? How can I pollinate (share) this with others?

This is a better way to keep track of our life than a checklist of dull days being clicked away.  I mentioned here that "Pre-planning that got scratched and canceled as soon as it was inked onto my calendar drove me crazy and left me feeling defeated. Writing schedules, five children with various activities, and a part-time job made me realize the need for order and accountability…of some sort."
I had to stop and question myself. Was I meant to go through life feeling defeated and inferior? Burdened and always busy?
That was when I realized that...Yes, I needed to keep track of my life's happenings and...Yes, the calendar was my tool, one to be inked on and erased on and scratched on and lived on! It was not the end result but rather the means to the end. Look at an athlete's shoes and gym bag and head band. Those are his tools and they're dirty and worn and frayed by the end. But they serve a valuable purpose. A calendar, a planner is the same way. By the year's end it is filthy and worn and frayed. But it has served a balanced valuable purpose and it is rich in hidden meanings and wise messages that we forget along the way.
I'm a seasonal person. I like fresh pages and fresh starts. Time flies fast. It stops for no one.  I embrace the seasons of the year with high hopes and huge plans. And I bask in setting the stage within my home for them. As a Catholic, even our Church year is set and written and heralded in a kaleidoscope of seasons that speaks loud and clear through the smells and bells and images which surround us as temples of the Holy Spirit.
Seasons are made to be lived out and remembered. Only if, as one Holocaust descendant shared, we do not remember for the sake of remembrance but, rather, we remember in order to create a better existence.

The Seasonal Beehive allows you to begin each season of the year with a fresh, unblemished page. The planner has a calendar-at-a-glance and bullet journal with prompts to start living your plans. The Seasonal Beehive isn’t a phone device but it is small enough to slip inside your purse. There are menu guides, holiday charts, prayerful pondering pages, a daybook chart, an enticement for physical activity, a seasonal booklist for children and book review for mom, an inspirational page to doodle major events on, and some seasonal essays and motivational taste-testing.
Every season begins anew.
This planner is all about giving you the freedom, yet the structure, you need to explore the year with flight and fancy...and a honeycomb of order.

There are plans to create a yearly boxed package of these little missives that will serve as a journaling keepsake and allow you to preserve your thoughts and ideas and words in an attractive way for years of reference or future generations to remember you by.
Which brings us back to life's relevant question...
What if you could pencil your life's story and preserve it?


FIRST PART: Seasonal Beehive


 Do not remember for the sake of remembrance but, rather, remember in order to create a better existence.



