Advent Retreats

Orthodox Mom offers a 66-page Advent Study "...with the hope of assisting us to overcome the spirit of secularism by offering some simple things to ponder every day during the next six weeks.  ...
Included in this Advent Study are weekly devotionals, daily readings, and activities to help us remember who and what we are really celebrating at Christmastime."

Extremely affordable at $5.50 which you download and print and place into a binder.

I've got mine ready to study.

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And Women Living Well is offering a FREE Advent Study and December Reading Plan.

The cover alone is luscious and fragrant enough to inhale.

I've got mine printed and packaged and ready to enjoy!

"The weeks leading up to Christmas and Epiphany are some of the busiest and most stressful of the year. How can we live them as God wants us to live them? How can we re-learn the childlike art of anticipation and apply it to our grown-up lives?"
Available Nov. 23, 2014 from

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Advent 2014 Resources by Jennifer G. Miller



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