As My Blog Shifts and Refocuses

Many of y'all have prayed for my children's marriages, rejoiced with our family in a blitz of weddings and new babies, and messaged me with your own stories over the past 3 years. It's been a fun ride and I've enjoyed sharing our joy with all of you.

My post from yesterday marks my last personal sharing about my growing children. It's become too stressful for me to judge what is appropriate to share and what is not. It was so easy when I first started blogging and still had 5 children under age and under one roof.  It was all so thoughtless and innocent.

Social media drives us and I'm afraid I climbed aboard with blogging in 2006 right after Hurricane Rita followed by Facebook. It's been a great ride and I've evaluated what to do on this blog for years upon end.

In many ways I'm tired of it.

In many ways I can't give it up, especially when I look back over it and see wonderful moments lived, moments I'd have forgotten about had I not shared it.

But blogging opens family homes to scrutiny and judgment and speculation of marriages, children, and the outcome of their private lives. These things aren't for any of us to even wonder about. Outside of their own spiritual counsel and themselves, even my husband and I do not need to know what is not ours to know.

Part of the occasion for the Synod of the Family is because people and their personal lives are no longer kept within their family circles and church communities for support, it is spilled out over a highway of media outlets for everyone else to know everyone else's business. That hinders things...Most of all the work of God.

So outside of sweet baby photos, family gatherings, MayMay's memories, recipes, book news, other happy gleanings, and an occasional prayer request perhaps, I need to move away from updates of my children. Since the older ones are all married (all at once, golly-jeez), things should be quiet here anyway. I know it's hard on my family having a writer for a mother and they've been very good with me...encouraging even. I owe them the same respect.

And my life really has become all about keeping it simple anyway.

I hope you remember them by name in your prayers and, if you're ever trying to climb out of the avalanche of concerns and repercussions and blessings that come with raising more than the status quo of kids in America, know that I am right there, at that very moment, lifting you high in prayer.

And please come visit for those baby photos and memories and recipes and more book news. I promise, I'll leave the light on for ya. ;-)

God's blessings and peace!


  1. I so love you and I consider myself blessed to have traveled this road with you. Thank you!

  2. Love you Cay. I will always keep your family in my prayers. You have taught me and stretched me in wonderful ways. Thank you.

  3. I love you so much, Cay. You have helped me and prayed for our family for so many years. God bless you!


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