Sewing Thread

It began as a simple request.

I volunteered to teach Home Ec 101 this year to a group of junior high girls. I ordered A Girl's Guide to Home Skills from Catholic Heritage Curricula and began planning hospitality introduction, cleaning skills, Holiday centerpieces, interior decorating activities and cooking...oh, lots of pinterest-y cooking activities.

We had speakers come in to discuss and answer questions about real estate, home interior, home businesses, Pampered Chef demonstrations, stay-at-home discernment, etc.

I willingly planned a year's worth of luscious homemaking-ness and avoided nothing...

...nothing, that is, except sewing.

Since day one they wanted to do a sewing project. The girls took me down kicking and screaming.

All the girls wanted this except my child. She had been through enough sewing projects with me, as her mother, to know that we don't finish sewing projects.  I can still point you to the unfinished aprons begun in girls' club and the I-don't-even-remember-what-it-was-supposed-to-be item begun 4H to prove my point.
My daughter knew.
And she never asked for us to sew.
And so this (non-sewing) home ec teacher was going to appease these eager future homemakers.
I turned to the only people I could trust with my fatal flaw and I rallied the troops.
I'm very grateful for those friends troops. ;-)
Tammy, Jill, Susan, Brandie, Cheryl, Janise, and one grandma saved us from myself.
This is what our co-op is all about. Mothers helping mothers.

Friends assisting friends.

Friends helping their friends' daughter learn a new skill and gain confidence.

Even my son-in-law's aunt homeschools and came to our aid with her sewing machine and skills.

This is what we made and the pattern for it: ConKerr Cancer Pillowcases

The girls left the sewing experience all super pumped to make more pillowcases, not only for cancer patients gifts but birthday gifts for their friends as well.

Today one of our elementary friends was having surgery and not at co-op. The children at co-op have prayed and made homemade cards for her.

Together, the girls in junior high Home Ec decided to sew her a pillowcase and all sign it before presenting it to their little friend.

It warmed my heart as I stood in the Home Ec room hearing them eagerly tell me of their plans for one of their own.

Children manifest love so well.

It took only a demo from the head sewer to drag me (kicking and screaming) back some 30+ years ago to my one year of junior high Home Ec and the one dress I sewed, to spur me into confidence and renewed sewing enthusiasm until...

...until the bobbin gets knotted again.  I'm just sayin'. ;-)

Because I did sew, ages ago. And I really did lots of iron on appliques and t-shirt painting and embroidery and crochet when the babies were babies.

They haven't been babies for many a moon.

Once I sewed a purple short set for Kayleigh when she was about seven. It turned out darling.
The top was near perfect and my husband was so proud of me.
The shorts had to be hijacked by my seam ripper and turned over to my best friend for her to repair damage control.

Sewing requires patience.

I lack patience. I admit it with humility.

It's also something that stirs my dandruff and I simply don't want my girls remembering that side of me. So grandma's sewing machine has been gathering dust in a closet.

Since Oma and Nanny Lanell (and Meme before them) all sew, it's too easy to turn the reigns over to them. Sewing classes with the girls have been brief and erratic.

And I'm not saying this has cured me us...

But it was a wonderful experience...for both of us...and I'm so grateful for our lovely group of personal homemakers that helped make it happen.

The joy on Annie's face was thanks enough for me.

We're open to ANY easy-peasy sewing projects.
And good sewing machine prospects as well. Our only sewing machine that still works belonged to Annie's great-great grandmother and Meme's good sewing machine has a needle that is stuck forevermore.
