Advent Focal Point

Childbirth instructors encourage new mothers to find their focal point when labor begins.

Today finds us on the precept of a special birth. Are we ready? Have we packed our bags? Have we made 
sure our camera has new batteries? Is our shopping list complete?

Whether we're ready or not, whether are lists are all checked off or not, the impending birth is imminent.

The baby will come.

It is in our best interest to find our focal point during this month of waiting.
That matter what...our focal point will be exactly where it's supposed to be...
right before our very eyes.

A couple of suggestions to serve as Advent focal points:

What is your "focal point" as you await the impending birth?

* * * * * *

(Say 15 times a day from St. Andrew's Day (30 November), ending on Christmas Eve)
St. Andrew Christmas Novena

Hail, and blessed be the hour 

and moment at which the Son of God

was born of a most pure Virgin

at a stable at midnight

in Bethlehem

in the piercing cold.

At that hour vouchsafe,

I beseech Thee,

to hear my prayers

and grant my desires.

(Mention your intentions here)

Through Jesus Christ

and His most Blessed Mother.

Such a beautiful prayer.

A perfect beginning to the season of Advent.

It's set in poetry.

It gives us a piece of mosaic to hold in our hands.

About a blessedly holy hour.

A time of ripeness.

A private time when a baby is born.

Into the hush is born joy.

The piercing wind blows wisps of straw across a dank stable floor.

Christ shivers as the afterbirth is wiped from his newborn body.

His presence is met in dark and quiet.

A swaddle of cloth is drawn tenderly around him.

His silken cheek meets the warmth of his mother's breast.

All is calm. All is quiet. All is right.

A cow shifts her position in the hay. Her brown eye blinks.

A lamb sighs.

The stars twinkle.

A rooster crows, odd the hour.

For one brief shining moment, the world is at peace.

God's in His heaven. All is right with the world.

This is what we are waiting for.

Not over-priced presents. Not food. Not trees and ornaments. Not crowded malls. Not last minute hustle and bustle.

We pray for peace. And joy. And silence to know the moment, the babe, the mother, and the Gift of our life because of His life. 

* * * * * *

Advent Litany

Lord Jesus, you are the light of the world.
Come, Lord Jesus.

You are light in our darkness.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Son of God, save us from our sins.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Son of Mary, deepen our love.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Bring hope into the lives of all people.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Give your peace to all nations.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Be the joy of all who love you.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Bring unity among all who believe in you.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Bless us as we gather here in your name.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus, stay with us always.
Come, Lord Jesus.

Let us pray:

May Christ give us his peace and joy,
and let us share them with others.
All peace and glory are his for ever.


