{Domestic Day} Friday

It is Friday.
A very wet, rainy Friday.
Which calls for a fresh pot of coffee.
And a sweet cup of café au lait.
Scentsy warmers are plugged and charging sweet scents of "warm crackling spices" throughout my home.
I put a load of laundry on just to make me feel productive.
And I'm completely ignoring what's on the other side of the laundry room.
A rainy day and a fresh ream of paper demand a little bit of writing. Right?
Short the 15 minutes do type this blog post. ;-)
And a rainy day at home always makes me think of this sweet book.
I read it in my teens (along with all the Anne books) and it is perhaps one of my all-time favorites.
What do rainy days call for you to do? to read?
