{Touring the Oak Shaded Estate}

I got this "touring the estate" idea from The Legacy of Home Blog and thought it had such a nice, gentle, peaceful ring to it that I decided to do a blog tour of our personal oak-lined Cajun-cottage estate as well.

 This might seem strange to some readers, and my husband will definitely say, "Honey, isn't that a little TMI?" ;-) But that just means he's reading my blog along with lots of curious women readers who enjoy such whimsical household information. Even if it is an overkill of neurosis.
Men just don't get it. I don't think they "get" the whole blog thing in general or the community of women who gab about it as they once did over the backyard fence or clothesline.
Actually, my husband fed my decision to "go there" by the quirky invitation he presents me when we're having coffee in the evening hours.
"Wanna go tour our estate with me, honey?"
He usually holds out his hand to me and winks. It's one of those quirky inside jokes married couples share.
It's funny because our "estate" consists of a mere two acres of land. It's hilarious because we don't own an "estate" in the way people reading this might think. And yet it is our estate. In reality it's land and a house and it's ours, all ours. We own it. As defined by Google, we fit 3 of the credentials (land, house, ownership):


  1. An area or amount of land or property, in particular.
  2. An extensive area of land in the country, usually with a large house, owned by one person or organization.


property - holding - possession - domain

If one considers his brother lives to the south of us and our oldest son lives to the north of us and our outside dogs think this means they are protectors of the whole "estate", then our estate actually expands to about 6 1/2 acres.
The road about half a mile south of our "estate" declares we are no longer in the city but are country folk. My husband grew up here. During his childhood there were no other houses around. Nowadays houses spot the oak tree-shaded landscape.

And, so...won't you join me on a tour of this little ol' estate in Southwest Louisiana?

Come back soon. Our first leg of the tour will be a morning jaunt out to the chicken coop.
