We Walk with Christ: Thirteenth Station

Jesus' Body is Taken Down Off the Cross

(Replica statue of  Michelangelo's Pieta found at Our Lady of the Oaks in Grand Coteau, Louisiana)

How has Lent blessed you this year?
How have you prepared your interior self for the coming of Our Lord?
Are you satisfied?  More importantly, is God satisfied with your little offerings?
What would you do differently?

The past several days have been a soul-searching experience for all of us as we walk with Christ in our daily lives and joys and sufferings.

Next Friday Christ's body will be taken down from the cross and laid in his mother's arms.
Our mother too...Christ gave her to all of us:

"After recalling the presence of Mary and the other women at the Lord's cross, St. John relates: 'When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, 'Woman, behold, your son!'. Then he said to the disciple, 'Behold, your mother!’' (Jn 19:26-27).
"These particularly moving words are a 'revelation scene': they reveal the deep sentiments of the dying Christ and contain a great wealth of meaning for Christian faith and spirituality. At the end of his earthly life, as he addressed his Mother and the disciple he loved, the crucified Messiah establishes a new relationship of love between Mary and Christians."  ~  The Universal Motherhood of Mary

Such a simple gift.  Such a loving gift from Our Savoir.  At the very end he thought of His children and knew they would need a mother to console them.  Christ not only sent the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to guide us, He also gave us someone to take our hand and lead us back to him.  Someone he loved very much...His own mother...and committed her to all of us.

Have you lost your mother?  Are you feeling the grief of not having a parent home for this beautiful feast day?  Turn to Mary.  Turn to the mother whom Christ turned to as a little boy, whom Christ turned to as a grown man.

Turn to the mother Christ has given us and rest in her arms.  She knows your sufferings, your trials, your weariness.  She does not want glory.  She asks for nothing.  Only that her son be praised and worshipped and loved.  She will lead you to Christ.

Now rest and breath anew.  The sacrificial lamb has given His all. 

