Review of "Little Saint Therese" by Margaret Mary Myers

A favorite saint of Catholic girls is St. Therese the Little Flower. This little saint is a good patron to share with our daughters, granddaughters, and goddaughters. There are plenty of “St. Therese”s and plenty of little books on this saint from Lisieux, France. Where do we start?
Catholic author Margaret Mary Myers gives us a simple book on this simple saint which is appropriate for the younger set of children in grades Kindergarten - Third Grade. It's a perfect introduction to the little way to heaven so young children are not overwhelmed by a life too noble or a sacrifice too great.
It is written in a simple style which makes it easy for mothers to read with non-readers, perfect for new readers, and engaging for older readers. Two features I like best of all are the 'Questions to Answer' found at the end of each chapter (an answer key is found at the back of the book) and that the author includes actual quotes spoken and written by St. Therese and her parents. Through her own thoughts and words, your child will hear about the childhood of St. Therese and her early formative years until she became a new nun. Though simple, the book reads as though St. Therese is speaking directly to your little reader.
The book's ending has a surplus offering of a prayer, a novena, a page to the parents, and a list of other book suggestions about St. Theresa. While not a picture book, this book does include simple clipart and it is perfect for early learners. Margaret Mary Myers has thought of everything in this little book to introduce children to this great saint.
With the school year beginning, now is a perfect time to take your child on a visit to the homes of the saints. St. Therese can start us on this 'little way' and this book is a great resource to begin your visitation.
If you're interested in ordering, go to and search for: "Little Saint Therese" by Margaret Mary Myers (ISBN: 9781620301388). Even the cost of the book is a "little" offering of $3.25. That's a wonderfully low price for a ticket into the home of a great saint. 
Hopefully Ms. Myers might consider doing more books like this one on the lives of other saints for our children to visit. You can visit the author's website at


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