When God's Graces Hide

If the number of hits on a blog post are any sign of what others are facing...struggling with...desiring information on...needing to know...hungering for...this post hit a nerve. This blog has never been hit with so many hugs, so many private emails, so many tears, so much love, so many personal sharings and stories, so many prayers, and, yes, so much hope on any one post (especially in one day's time).

First I want to thank you all for welcoming our little grandson into this world. I don't care what anyone else says, it's a kind, loving world. You are all the perfect testimony to that kindness and love. :-)

Many readers shared that this is how they also came into this world...unplanned, unwed, unequipped, unprepared. Many of the people we work with, laugh with, socialize with, study with, worship with came into this world without a plan. Their parents had no plan.

Thank God, He did.

The grandparents fumbled, faltered, worried.

But God had a plan.

God's plan...God's will...was larger than that of His creation. The creator is in total control. We need not worry.

"God created mankind in his image;

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.
God blessed them...
"God looked at everything he had made, and found it to be good." (Genesis 1: 27, 28, 31)

Watching the ultrasound video brings reality into focus. :-)  Life is full of unexpected realities and sometimes you accept them unquestioningly because you know that God's graces are hiding somewhere inside of them.

If not His graces then, for sure, His will.

"Nothing can come but what God wills. And I am very sure that whatever that may be, however bad it may seem, it shall indeed be the best."
-St. Thomas More, from a letter written in prison to his daughter

So many of you shared your stories with me and how God's plan has worked for the good, worked towards His glory. I appreciate all of you who shared. Your words mentored me and my family with much grace and love and wisdom.

Many shared hidden confidences...hidden graces yet unveiled. I hold each one close to my heart and in my daily prayers. 2013 will find our lives a little fuller, a littler wiser, and more in love with that grace than we are today.

As parents we are chosen to co-create with God.
As humans we sin and our Father reaches out, embraces us, and forgives us.
As parents, our children sin and God again reaches out and asks us to become like Him. We become His hands, His feet, His arms, His legs, His lips, His ears.

Only this time, He takes our sin and replaces it with His image and likeness.

Have you thought of that? Realized that? When we sin, we are sinning against the person of God right there before us. We are attempting to destroy His image, His likeness. And He places that image right back into our waiting, open arms. A hidden grace.

Are we open to the gift? To the image? To the life of God breathed into us through the very bones of our children and grandchildren? It's a chance...a grace...to feel as God feels, to touch as God touches, to see as God sees, to love as God loves.

Do we dare to embrace the grace? Do we dare to unveil it?


  1. I missed the June post that hit a nerve. I guess I was busy, since Libby's best friend-since-forever had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Sadly, the father wants nothing to do with either of them. But it is joyous nevertheless, since they are both surrounded by loving friends and family. It sounds like your grandbaby will be born into love, too. God bless you all!


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