My First Salade Composée

I am in pursuit of tasty, attractive salads to fix this summer, remember?
I got the idea for a French Salade Composée from Leila's "Ok, this is the salad post":

"A Salade Composée is a wonderful French invention. It takes previously cooked foods -- a starch, such as rice or potatoes, a protein, such as chicken or fish, and vegetables, and offers them in the form of a salad.

But you need the platter to get your creativity flowing."

* * * * *
I admit my first thought was, "Sounds like a compost pile of salad fixings."

But the idea is to Compose your Salade. Sounds a little more appetizing that way. :-)

And that's exactly what I did.

First I had cantaloupe that was getting overripe on the counter. I sliced that into bite-size pieces.

Then I sauted some marinated (white wine and herbs) shrimp in a skillet, added asparagus tips, and bacon pieces.
Annie made a pasta salad and added cut cucumber.

I found a large summery platter because, as Leila tells us, that's what gets your creativity flowing. :-)

I added some garden greens and placed the fixings all around the platter and sliced boiled farm eggs on top.

I did forget to add the tomato, avocado, and shredded cheese but I don't think we missed it.

Now I have items ready to start work on my next salad dish.

When you fix your personal plate, it becomes a minature French Salade Composée.

My husband and I enjoyed it. The girls were only interested in the pasta and cantaloupe.

Annie asked if she could have a can of ravioli.
