Kitchen Table Homeschooling

Gotta love Catholic Heritage Curricula! It was one of the first Catholic homeschool programs a friend introduced me to when I first began researching this growing mindset. They have always helped educating parents to explore and grow. They make things a little easier and graceful for new homeschoolers and stressed out veteran homeschoolers. And they offer so much for free on their website. It's a treasure trove of help and counseling.

Just gotta love 'em!

Today they offered this on their Facebook page and, since I can't find it elsewhere on the internet and I don't want to lose it, I'm copying it here because, despite the office, we do an awful lot of Kitchen Table Homeschooling: 

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If you are a multi-tasking mom who feels stretched so thin that it's a wonder you aren't transparent, we invite you to consider kitchen table schooling. Yes, it's true that a separate school room lets you leave the mess behind. However, there are distinct advantages to 'kitchen schooling.' [Or dining room schooling with an unimpeded view from the kitchen.]

--While you are waiting for children to bring work to you, you can be cleaning up after breakfast or starting lunch or dinner.

--If the children are in the kitchen with you, monitoring their activities is a snap.

--Once the one-on-one basic lessons have been explained, most questions about schoolwork can be posed while mom goes about her kitchen tasks.

--Kitchen table schooling eliminates the need to bi-locate.

--Wee ones can be put in a high chair in the kitchen, for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time, to watch mom at work.

One minor disadvantage to kitchen schooling is the need to clear schoolwork from the table for mealtime. However, this problem is readily solved by using 18 inch square, woven wicker drawers in a 'stacked' column-type unit, or a similar stacked basket-drawer storage unit. One drawer is just the right size to contain the school work of one student, and the attractive units can be kept in the kitchen or dining area for easy access and speedy table clearing. [Clear plastic containers can be stacked in a similar fashion.] Each student brings his work to the table from the drawer five minutes before school begins, and returns the work to the drawer five minutes before mealtime.

Wall shelves are another useful addition to kitchen schooling. They take up no floor space, and cloth boxes or woven baskets on the shelves can provide attractive storage for general schooling supplies.

Kitchen table schooling is one strategy to lessen the chaos of multi-tasking. But whether your family educates in a schoolroom, or at the kitchen table, it's good to keep a firm grasp on St. Paul’s admonition: God's 'power is made perfect in weakness…for when I am weak, then I am strong.' [2 Cor. 12: 9-10]

Please share your ideas, whether schooling in a separate room or in the kitchen/dining room!

Go to Catholic Heritage Curriculum Facebook page to follow and add to the conversation.
