Summer Daybook

FOR TODAY... from Cay's Daybook

Outside my window...summer has arrived gently this year.

I am hearing...the rush of cars going to work this morning and...inbetween...the silence of country.
I am thinking...of the richness of family and friends God has given Mark and me.

I am thankful for...the richness of family and friends.
I am jeans shorts and red top with a bustline nod of buttons!

I am remembering...this past weekend. Wonderful. Complete. Beautiful.

This is my note to myself...My last daybook entry was January 9, 2012. At that time I wrote: "You will survive 2012. You will. You will. Enjoy the serenity of 2011 and remember that God will send many people in your path to help you waltz and party through 2012. And remember that all the things barrelling in on the eve of 2012 are rich celebrations. Joyful noise! Happy proclamations! Of life! And family! There is no reason to stress when things are joyful!"

Who would have ever predicted me to be a prophet? Not I. But my words were prophetic. God is good!
I am reading...cookbooks! And pamphlets on New Orleans.
I am going...on a soulful trip. Our children have collectively gotten together to send us away this weekend. It is a much needed retreat away from home and children and life and everything inbetween. It is much needed. We need to rest. There is no second-guessing our children's decision, no second-questioning our children's instructions, no attempt at returning our children's gift. We are exhausted. We recognize the gift and we graciously accept it.
I am creating...I'm not...I'm just being.
I am have a relaxing, refreshing retreat this coming weekend with my beloved.

On my mind...the gift of friends and family within the Body of Christ...the gift of souls who raise us up when troubles come and my heart burden be... 

From the learning rooms...Annie and I have begun talking about learning plans for 2012-2013. She's excited; I'm excited. Co-op classes have been offered and listed. Plans. Plans. Plans. For now...summer fun!

From the liturgical calendar...tried to complete my Marian Consecration using the 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat but, alas, I'm a slow reader and even slower at pondering and meditating. I refuse to speed the process. As someone wrote, this is a process. I want to make the consecration fully and thoroughly, knowing what I am doing and, more so, why I am doing it. I've already received many graces in the process. It's all in God's timing.

My list this week...a little bit of visiting with friends...a little bit of office work...a little bit of writing...a little bit of laundry...a little bit of packing.

Pondering these words..."If we judged parents by how their children turn out then our heavenly Father is the worst parent of all. We all know he is the most wonderful Father of all but we his children don't always make the best choices." ~ quote from a friend

From the kitchen...I've dug all my cookbooks out of the pantry...I'm on a cookbook binge...not really cooking much (too many leftovers from too much celebrating), but enjoying the possibilities

Around the house...not in the best shape but it's capable of being tamed so I am not stressing...yet.

One of my favorite things...quiet time

I am praying...for a special intention

From my picture booth from the homeschooler's graduation night...What a fun way to end a fun adventure!


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  2. A lovely Daybook. :) Prophetic indeed... It was so good to catch up with you today, Ms. Cay - and I'm so glad your sweet kiddos are sending y'all off for the weekend! You and Mr. M surely deserve that R&R!


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