God and His Church Do Not Hate or Exclude Homosexuals

{Photo from Our Daily Bread}
I don't think I've ever gone into this realm on my blog but after reading this post by Mark Shea...

A Gay Man I Consider a Saint by Mark Shea

I was compelled to clap my approval.

After reading the comments (a commendable thoughtprovoking task), I again hesitated to offer my applause but like Lisa Mladinich, I believe...

"It's very important, as Catholics, to dispel the myth that the Church hates or excludes homosexual persons from the life of faith. The CCC's section on human sexuality is surpassingly beautiful and compassionate, and strictly prohibits bigotry of any kind. We all sin, and we're all 'not finished yet'." (Lisa M.)

and this...

"So many of us love gay or lesbian friends or family members, and they should know that we love and accept them, the way we want to be loved and accepted. But it doesn't mean we celebrate sin. We join in unity with them as fellow travelers, finding our way gradually to God." (Lisa M.)

* * * * *

I know far too many people, sinners like myself, who have left the Church, avoided the sacraments, felt forever isolated because of the way "Christians" acted towards them and how they were made to feel when caught in their sin. They are forever trapped and condemned, by their fellow sinners.

These people feel as though God doesn't forgive them, accept them, or love them when, in fact, God never said such a thing. As the Body of Christ, we are stepping upon our soapboxes and, rather than charitably speaking the truth, we are spouting our arrogance and self-pride.

God probably doesn't like the way they are behaving, acting, or doing things at that time in their life (much like the times I correct my own children for their thoughtless behavior) but He will forever forgive them, accept them, and love them unconditionally. He is not done with them yet.

Most of the greatest saints were also the greatest sinners and God's love and mercy was revealed to them in the depths of their sinfulness and the need for God's love and mercy; partly because they could not find it in the other sinners around them.

We should speak the truth in charity and mercy then step out of our short-term space capsule and let God slide back into the driver's seat to be left in charge of his long-term hospital of mercy.


  1. Well written and beautiful, as was the music.

    I will be back to visit again : ) I have long been interested in the "Cajuns", or more properly the people from Acadia...

    Thank you and Christ's peace!!


  2. Thank you for this. It has broken my heart recently that so many Catholics behave so hatefully toward gay people. They are PEOPLE first, God's children. They have gifts, talents and loving hearts. It is not for us to decide who is worthy to stand before Christ. God alone is our judge. God has called us only to love, not to condemn.

  3. I'm really happy you posted this in support of Mark Shea. I too thought he did a beautiful post.

  4. Nothing can be more damning than when we use the Church to would others rather than heal them. "Woe to this generation!"

  5. Yes, Cay, I agree. It's easy to judge; yet it's just as easy to remember how much I've been forgiven. Tolerance and love doesn't equal approval, just awareness of how flawed we all are.


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