August, Water, and Paper Lists

School begins in two weeks. Tomorrow is my unofficial in-service teacher day. I plan to sit down with our lesson plans and re-evaluate what worked (and what didn't) and officially make those book orders that I've been clinging to my credit card over deliberating and procrastinating over. Another plus to blog-keeping is being able to find with one click what my original plans were for each student at the beginning of the year. I needed to look at this list to get my mind in gear for planning next year's curriculum.

I'm not sure what I'll end up with. Co-op books are a given. I had a rough draft for CHC and one for Seton for our morning tabletime. I already have what I need regarding MODG used by older siblings.

Then the other day I thought of scratching it all and going with Sonlight suggestions. History will be done ala A Picture Perfect Childhood and a revamping of the PPC history list is in order. So watch for new suggestions.

But today is not tomorrow. Today it's still summer!

Today the carpet inside my French doors is damp. It's the christening of a lovely day filled with sunshine, laughter (much laughter), and friends. This annual anointing does a lot to enhance the first day of August. I'm definitely sure my carpet is much cleaner now than it was earlier. Between the perpetually humming A/C and the heat of August it will dry quickly, I'm not the least bit worried.

It was definitely a blogable day, even if I only had my phone camera for the picture-taking.

Only problem with this picture is that last year's plan, in hindsight, looks pretty boring. What was I thinking?

That's probably why our actual lessons don't end up looking anything like the paper ones in reality. That's another reason to plan frugally while happily following serendipity wherever she leads you during the year. That's why it's best to read these posts and these posts for the truer picture of our educational days rather than looking at last year's plans.

(Beware! They are pretty boring.)
2010-2011 School Plans

Garrett (11th grade): Algebra, Chemistry, ACT Prep, Christ & the Americas, Surprised by Truth, Redcoats and Rebels and co-op classes

Chelsea (7th grade): Saxon 8/7, LOG & VIE, Seton Science 7 and Concepts and Challenges, CHC Spelling, Old World and America, Map Skills G, The World, Bible History, Reading: Our Freedoms, Book of Fortitude, Heritage, Valor, Art Seton 7 and co-op classes

Annie (3rd grade): Abeka 3 Math, Bible Stories & Baltimore Cate., LOG and PLL, CHC Spelling and Explode the Code, Seton Art 3, Cursive Handwriting Seton, Thinking Skills C, Map Skills C, Our Father's World, How our Nation Began, Seton 3 History, Reading: Story Tree, Our Town, Our Valley, Spanish II and co-op classes
* * * * *
The blogable things show the best of our schooling and learning and enjoyment of life. If it isn't blogable then maybe it shouldn't be on our list.
Lists are meaningless if not taken off the paper and into your children's hearts.

Today was a wonderful day! Definitely more blogable than the list of curricula which will be written out tomorrow.

Days worthy of Creating a Sense of Wonder, days with Nothing But Gladness, days for Playing on the Farm, days of keeping in step with a Picture Book Education, days for Bringin' in the Sheaves and definitely days meaningful enough for blogging gives a truer sense of self, a more fulfilling sense of education, and a better outlook on our daily lives than a mere list.
I say this but I admit to being thoroughly excited about the possibilities that our list-making can be a form of prayer. It justifies all those pages and pages of lists I've ever created throughout my lifetime. I think most bloggers are list-makers. It's part of our nature.

Look for postings under 2011-2012 School Year to see our educational plans come alive...despite my plans. ;-)

Speaking of Lists! This is for those of you who like lists and party menus. :-)
  • watermelon slices
  • strawberries and cream 
  • pineapples and grapes
  • carrots and broccoli w/ ranch dip
  • chips and dip
  • hot dogs (for kids)
  • chicken salad sandwiches and tart bites (for moms)
  • bacon and ranch pasta salad
  • Chik-fil-a chicken nuggets
  • pound cake w/ blueberries in whipped cream topping
  • banana and blueberry pie
  • cookies
  • popsickles
{excuse the poor quality of my pictures...some small person in my house accidently left the camera outside under the camper...who knew it would rain that night in the middle of a summer drought?}
