Tribute to an Ordinary Woman

Today is was the feast of St. Martha.
I wrote a whole blog post in my head during Mass this morning.
Then life got in the way. Hectically so.
I haven't had time to write anything.
Hopefully, I'll find the time. Soon.
This weekend?

If I don't, that's ok. It means God does not will it.
And that's ok.
He's in charge, afterall.

Yet if I don't find the time, or the inspiration I had during Mass, I wanted to leave you with an impromtu photo of my fresh farm eggs and remind you that:

Martha was a very ordinary woman.
Just an ordinary housekeeper who kept house and  cared for her family.
Just a woman who cooked and mended and complained (sometimes).
She didn't do anything great. She didn't die a martyr's death.
But she became a saint by making daily work her life's prayer... and serving the Lord.
~ points taken from Fr. Jim's homily
