P.O.P. Nature Study: Goodbye to Bridgeton

Carol and her family move from the town of Bridgeton to Blackberry Inn. A storm complete with sleet greets them at the inn. Carol can't help but wonder if it's a bad omen.

But inside the inn...Emma has fixed a delicious vegetable soup and biscuits for the travelers. The men go outside to unload the moving van and the children summon their mother to come outside. A beautiful full rainbow is sighted in the distance over a field and apple orchard.

Carol and Michael take this as a promise that their new life is worth trying.


Do we look for bad omens in life's journey? Or for beautiful promises of the blessings waiting ahead for us?

When was the last time you saw a rainbow? Use a prism at a sunny window to make a rainbow on the wall with your children.

Have you ever lain on your back in the grass to watch the clouds? Your children may welcome the idea of keeping a cloud chart for a few weeks.
