P.O.P. Nature Study: Bibliomania

Bibliomania ~ page 185

This chapter of Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola finds us in the month of July, the family getting comfortably, busily situated into life at Blackberry Inn.

The family picks and cans the ripe strawberries.

While exploring her new home, Carol finds the study to be filled with books from floor to ceiling. She is delighted. Some of the books mentioned are:

* * * * *

Novels by Charles Dickens

Sir Walter Scott

The Bronte sisters

Jane Austen

Thomas Hardy

Henry James

Oliver Goldsmith

Shakespeare's plays and Lamb's Tales

Andrew Lang's fairy tales

Nathaniel Hawthorne's stores in Tanglewood Tales & Wonder Book

Novels by Gene Stratton Porter

Louisa May Alcott

Lorna Doone

Gulliver's Travels

Robinson Crusoe (to this day---my oldest son's favorite book!)
 Jungle Book


Treasure Island

Black Beauty

Commentary on the whole Bible by Matthew Henry

Pilgrims Progress

Famous Paints

My Book House

Several books on Nature some which are listed in the back of P.O.P. for those who have Karen's book.

Karen writes: "Books are the backbone of the homeschool. Many a mother enjoys a free hour to scan the shelves of a used bookstore for inexpensive treasures that will be put to good use---books for herself as well as for her children."

Here is a verse to write in your nature notebooks:

"Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,

Old Time is still a flying;

And this same flower that smiles today

Tomorrow will be dying."---Robert Herrick
