P.O.P. Nature Study

My youngest was 4 months old when the P.O.P. book discussion was started at the Catholic Charlotte Mason eloop back in Spring 2002.

As I wrote then:

"We are so much in the midst of springtime and nature, I think it'd be good to follow along with months through the book. The book (Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreola) begins with the school month of September. But we are starting the study at the end of school and I don't want to be posting September nature questions when our backyards are producing April nature. It looks like it'll be a year long study (due to following the months)."

In this timely manner, we will start with the month of May. I welcome anyone who wants to join us. Especially those who are drawing their school days to a close and want to hold close those last calming days of spring. Perhaps it will refresh weary pioneering souls, tempt those ready to throw in the towel after their first full year of homeschooling, or just serve as a reminder of youth and what we once envisioned our homeschools to be.

Pluck those pinecone books off your top shelf and come back tomorrow for the first chapter of the rest of your spring!

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