Brink of Lent Daybook...and Beyond

FOR TODAY... from Cay's Daybook

Outside my window...a beautiful spring day. Amen!
I am hearing...the rustle of the newspaper.
I am thinking...of Lent.

I am thankful for...the Church's feasting and fasting.

I am jeans and springtime pink!

I am remembering...actually it was earlier this afternoon that I remembered. Something I'd rather not. As I drove home from Lake Charles, I had one of those out-of-the-clear-blue memories of fussing and fuming (is that putting it mildly enough? oh, dear!) at my oldest daughter when she was about the age my youngest daughter is now. Actually it was her older brother who caused her to do it (I won't say what) but she was always the one getting in trouble for it. Why? Because we were young parents and our reactions were too quick and we were consumed with other things and we weren't seasoned in the least to know that these things really don't matter. We made a bigger deal out of it than it was ever meant to be.

The memory was so heartbreaking that when I got home I asked her if she remembered those times and my fussing and fuming.

Yes, she did.

Did it dramatize her for life? I asked.

Yes. Yes, it did. A tremble of a smile crossed her lips.

I'm so sorry. I remembered it out-of-the-blue and, you know, it's one of those times you wish you could go back to and erase and redo.

Her daddy hugged her skin tight.

And we laughed. Because we are probably more dramatized by the memory than she ever was.

This is my note to myself...You will survive 2012. You will. You will. Enjoy the serenity of 2011 and remember that God will send many people in your path to help you waltz and party through 2012. And remember that all the things barrelling in on the eve of 2012 are rich celebrations. Joyful noise! Happy proclamations! Of life! And family! There is no reason to stress when things are joyful!

I am reading...
I am creating...1st Communion booklet for our church parish and a study guide
I am hoping...for a truly spiritually quiet Lenten season.

On my mind...the lessons God will teach me this Lent.

From the learning rooms...No co-op this week. No dance this week. No school this week.
Let's just call it a mini-spring break.

I'm very grateful for that co-op though. It gives our learning structure and order and accountability. It offers so many things...only one day a week.

From the Lenten calendar...I have my Magnificat in my purse and saw in today's church bulletin that Stations of the Cross are held every Friday at 4 PM. Stripping our nature buffet this week in anticipation of our Lenten fast.

My list this week...Clean house...Declutter house...Purge house
Begin my Lenten Observances.

Pondering these words..."Remember that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return." —Genesis 3:19

"It's so cool being marked with the sign of your faith on your forehead, with Ashes. :)" ---Lee Sonnier

From the kitchen...
  • This was Sunday when I began typing this daybook: Sauce Piquante and Chocolate/Cream Cheese King Cake
  • This was Wednesday when I worked on this daybook: Tuna Fish Poboys, sliced apples, pasta salad, deviled eggs from our chicken coop
  • This was Thursday when I finished this daybook: Spaghetti and meatballs, cheese and garlic Texas toast, sliced apples, salad
Around the house...
Must hide, pick-up , throw away, declutter, cover-up, sort the three front rooms of my house. At least, the very least, front three rooms. Kayleigh is throwing a baby shower for one of her best friends next Sunday. I must make these front three rooms (sitting area, kitchen, living area) look as though no one lives here. I must make these front three rooms look as though Better Homes and Gardens has a studio here. Somewhere!

It is my personal, self-inflicted, Lenten purge.

One of my favorite things...the birthdays of each one of my children. Really! I am always joyful to celebrate each year of their life. I have one who will be 18 years old next week. Eighteen years I would not way, no how! Eighteen happy years!

I am praying...
  • the Kimble family who has just lost a huge part of their heart
  • for Kayleigh's friend whose baby is due in April, for her sister whose baby was born in February, and all pregnant women who give so selflessly the gift of life.
  • My brother-in-law who had surgery Monday. It went well and he is recovering.
From my picture journal...A view from my chair on Sunday...Mark and my Godchild, Mr. Seth Michael
