Marian Maidens in September

My girls belong to a monthly grouping of other homeschooled girls known as Keepers of the Home. This is a non-denominational group which focuses on hospitality within the home and has proven to be a blessing and a success in more ways than we can count.

This year---along with my friends Karen, Linda, and Lorena---we formed a Catholic grouping of homeschooled girls which we call Marian Maidens. We wanted a chance to focus on the Catholic liturgical year within our homes as well. It's also a chance for us to discuss and practice various virtues which we desire our young maidens be familiar with as they grow into young Catholic women.
I was able to get a couple of pictures of our recent Marian Maiden's luncheon.
On the table: minature statues of Mary, sliced pound cake, strawberries in sauce, whipped topping, grapes, chips & dip, fresh strawberries
Cheesy, chicken enchilidas
Banana & Blueberry Pies w/ cream cheese topping (in honor of Our Blessed Mother's September birthday).
Maidens painting Rosary Keeper Pots to "plant their prayers" in.
We are using this lovely book for mothers and daughters which discusses (in chapter formation) Raising Maidens of Virtue.
At this gathering we discussed "modesty" in dress, speech, and behavior.

Our main focus for the year is "Contentment".
How do you teach your young daughters contentment?


  1. This sounds great, Cay! I wish we had something like that here.

  2. Ruth,
    Our Keepers group has gotten quite large. We've had to close membership this year. W/ our Catholic group we decided to keep it quaintly small. There are only 4 mothers and their daughters. This keeps it cozy and intimate. We alternate meeting at one another's home (having it twice at each home) for the year.

    Focusing on the liturgical year and a virtue makes it very easy to plan. There is no shortage of feast days to choose from.

    In May we did our May Crowning.
    June's focus was on the Sacred Heart.
    July was St. Anne.
    August was the the Cure of Ars.
    September was Mary's b-day.

  3. Also wanted to add...we've all done Little Flowers when our girls were much younger.

    We felt the need to move on from repeat sessions of Little Flowers.

    We also did the Little Women's Hospitality course last year at co-op.

    Though all these were excellent, none focused on the liturgical year in the way we desired.

    And so... :-)

  4. How wonderful, Cay! May you all be blessed.


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