Roses for Colleen

Ruth is hosting a Rosary Raffle for the Mitchell family. As part of the Communion of Saints, won’t you please join us in a virtual rosary for the Mitchell family whose sweet baby boy Bryce passed away on September 1, 2009. This is your chance to send the Mitchell family a bouquet of roses. We would love for you all to join us.
Here is how the virtual rosary works.This is a picture of the rosary Ruth made; each bead lovingly and prayerfully stitched together.

Before making a donation, you are to say a Hail Mary. Each $5.00 donation pays for a single rose. You may purchase as many roses as you wish; a Hail Mary must be said for each one. Ruth will continue taking donations until we have “recited” a whole rosary. Once the rosary is complete, a name will be drawn to receive this beautiful crown of roses. The Mitchell family will receive their spiritual bouquet of roses in the form of your prayer petals and financial support. Thank you for offering your prayers and sacrificial offerings to the Mitchell family.
Click here to purchase a rose...and don't forget to attach a Hail Mary to it.
