A Path

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." ~ Robert Frost It's a path...just a path...and I walk it...without my walking shoes...sandals instead...I walk it.
I walk on the fringe...the fringe of life...in the world...but not of it...on the soccer field...but not of it...I don't play...I walk...I watch...I observe from a distance.
There are pitfalls...and cracks...in the path. I can choose to walk around them...over them...in them...but I cannot ignore them. They are part of the path...not to be ignored...but anticipated...made aware of...least they trip my footing.

There are bends and curves in the path...changes...surprises...geometric softeners in an otherwise straight, unyielding bungee cord of life.
It's a path...just a path...and I walk it.
"The true road to personal improvement is not miraculous; it is slow and calls for a great deal of perseverance, but it is indeed possible to progress along this road, and your effort will be amply repaid." ~ David Fischman, American writer and leadership speaker, present day


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