Southern Comfort Daybook

This is my own Cajun Cottage version of the Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my Window...
Morning Dew on the Window...promise of a balmy day

I am thinking ...about school lesson plans. Isn't everybody?

I am thankful for...
the opportunity to share Louisiana with so many friends.

From the schoolroom...
Deciding where to put computer desks and PCs. I want them all out of the living room and kitchen...but not in the bedroom. That leaves...hmmm!

From the kitchen...
Monday: eating out after last soccer game
Tuesday: spaghetti & meatballs
Wednesday: Garlic/Herb Chicken Alfredo & Salad

Thursday: Meatballs/ Rice & Gravy
Friday: Tuna Salad

I am wearing...
Lime green nightgown w/ green ribbon at neckline

I am creating...
not so much creating at the moment but thoroughly enjoying this creation.

I am going...Son's soccer game.

I am reading... emails

I am hoping...
15-yr-old Luke Diller is found safe and unharmed.

I am hearing...
the overhead fan turn...slowly.

I am praying...
for dear little Matthew Snow and Luke Diller and his family.

Observing the Liturgical Calendar...
Praying the Thanksgiving Novena to St. Anne, my patron saint

Around the house...
Wanting to paint and rearrange my living room...planning in session

One of my favorite things... peaceful mornings.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

Monday: Final Soccer Game
Tuesday: SPAR w/ Christy and her girls
Wednesday: Bday party at SPAR
Friday: Swimming party and root beer floats @ Eva's

Saturday: Mother's Organizational Retreat

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Annie with Gumbo Gator!


  1. Thank you for praying for Matthew. His family are good friends of ours (they live just down the street).

  2. LUKE HAS BEEN FOUND! He is healthy, safe and on his way home. NO more details available at this time. Thank you for your prayers.

  3. Thanks be to God for Luke being found! :) I'm not familar with his name, but anyone who is missing and has been found deserves a prayer of thanksgiving - even from a total stranger!

    Sounds like a lovely week, especially your meal plans! Can we come over on Thursday for Meatballs 'n Rice and Gravy? ;) Tuna salad on Friday? Hm, there wouldn't be a specific reason for that would there, Miss Cay? Do y'all abstain from meat on the Fridays outside of Lent too?

    In reply to your comment on my blog:

    Do you have the link to my blog subscribed like you told me, so you can see my updates? It was wonderful seeing you at BaM with Chealse (Thank you so much for putting that together by the way!!), and at the Co-op sign-up.

    Oh, I love your new blog and your posts; you are definitely one of my favorite authors/bloggers, and I constantly sit back in awe at the way you craft words, finding the beauty of our faith, family and this amazing place where we live, in the simple everyday objects and routines. You are a true writer, Miss Cay. Thank you for sharing your words. :)

    I will! Give Chelse and Annie BIG hugs from us girls! (Garrett probably doesn't want any of that... ;))

  4. What a cute picture of Annie. And how was the Mother's organizational retreat? That sounds like fun.

  5. Oh, Karen, it was wonderful!
    A blog post all its own...if I can just organize myself to find the time. lol


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